Project management Insights

RoboHead Blog

The latest insights and recommendations from the RoboHead team.

Maximizing Marketing ROI for Healthcare Marketers

In the competitive and fast-paced world of healthcare marketing, maximizing return on investment (ROI) is crucial. Every dollar spent on creative needs to drive tangible results, from increasing patient engagement to boosting brand awareness. RoboHead, a powerful project management tool, provides healthcare marketing and communication teams with the features they need to improve efficiency, reduce […]

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Collecting Better Feedback for Healthcare Marketing Teams

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful healthcare marketing. With multiple stakeholders involved—from medical professionals and administrative staff to patients and regulatory bodies—consolidating and managing feedback can be challenging. This guide explores how healthcare marketing teams can leverage project management practices to enhance their feedback management and improve overall project outcomes. The Importance of Streamlined […]

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Coordinating Stakeholder Input: Strategies for Healthcare Marketing Teams

Marketing to healthcare patients is complex. There are typically many subject matter experts and compliance regulations to coordinate. In fact, according to RoboHead data, healthcare marketing teams have triple the number of collaborators outside of their team compared to other industries. Managing input from this large number of stakeholders can be challenging. However, effective coordination […]

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Summer ‘24 Updates: File Management, Robo Proofreader (beta) and more

Boost your productivity and streamline your workflow effortlessly: find files instantly, share folders easily, enhance clarity with rich text and audio annotations, enjoy AI-driven grammar checks, customize reviews, color-code projects, and set realistic due dates. Whether you’re a seasoned user or exploring RoboHead for the first time, these new features will make managing your projects […]

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Seeing Clearly: 5 Real Examples [with videos] of Improved Visibility in RoboHead

The most common thing that we hear when speaking with new customers is how much more visibility they have into what their team is working on now that they have RoboHead. But what does that actually look like? Today we’re sharing five videos that showcase how and where your visibility will be improved with RoboHead. […]

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Juneteenth by the Numbers: Are Employers Celebrating with Paid Time Off?

This year, the US celebrated Juneteenth for the fourth time as a National Holiday. As more businesses consider how to honor this significant day, the question arises: Are employers embracing the occasion with time off? We explored data from the RoboHead 10000 to find out. A Historical Perspective Dating back to 1865, Juneteenth marks the […]

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5 Tactics to Bring Your Products to Market Faster

  Creative teams in the consumer goods industry face unique challenges. They deal with a high volume of work, numerous assets for individual campaigns, and strict timelines, with significant costs associated with delays. Plus, CPG creative teams often have 40% shorter turnaround times compared to other industries.  These challenges make efficient and effective operations incredibly […]

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Is Customer Support Important When Selecting Project Management Software?

When selecting your work management tool, it’s easy to sign up for the first self-serve application you like, but having robust customer support is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a small creative team or a large organization, the quality of customer support can significantly impact your project’s success. Here’s why exceptional customer […]

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5 Things to Consider When Looking for Workfront Alternatives

As businesses evolve and grow, so do their project management needs. If you’re considering moving on from Workfront, here are five crucial things to consider when looking for alternatives: 1. Ease of Implementation One of the significant challenges of switching project management tools is the implementation process. A seamless transition is vital to ensure your […]

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Rising to the Challenge: Where Higher Ed Marketing Teams Excel

Marketing and communication teams in higher education face a unique set of challenges that set them apart from their counterparts in other industries. According to recent data from RoboHead, these teams not only handle a higher volume of work but also navigate complexities that demand exceptional coordination, adaptability, and resourcefulness. Let’s explore some of these […]

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How to Save 1 Day on All Your Project Timelines

For teams executing creative work, time is not just a resource—it’s currency. The quicker we move from conception to completion, the better our output aligns with market demands and client expectations. However, a significant chunk of project time—often overlooked—is spent on the review stage. What if you could reclaim an entire day (or more) in […]

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How to Make Your Project Management Workspace Fit Your Unique Process

Project management for marketing isn’t one size fits all. Your team’s unique processes require a project management tool that’s not just efficient but also highly adaptable to the specific workflows and processes of each team. Brent Otto, Business Development Director at RoboHead, recently highlighted a feature that truly sets RoboHead apart from its competitors: customization […]

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Was productivity eclipsed this week?

By Abbie Hatch, Marketing Manager for RoboHead North America’s solar eclipse this week was projected to create a $6 billion dollar spending boom. But as workers stepped out into office park parking lots or took the day off to drive into the path of totality, it also caused a productivity drop of at least 10% from expected rates, […]

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Sparking Creative Conversations with RoboHead’s File Markup

The iterative process of refining concepts and deliverables is crucial for creative and marketing teams. But it can involve a significant amount of back-and-forth communication between team members, stakeholders, and clients. While it might be tempting to resort to communication tools like email, Slack, or Teams for sharing early iterations or concepts, this practice can […]

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Improving Your Project Outcomes with Surveys

For most people in marketing and communications, deadlines are tight and expectations are high. Finding ways to optimize your process is always at the forefront of any team leader’s mind. However, the solution to enhancing project outcomes might not lie where you expect. It’s not just about more efficient processes or better time management. The […]

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From Forgetful to Efficient: Automating Tasks with RoboHead

Multitasking has become the norm. With that, it’s easy to fall into the trap of forgetfulness. That’s why we at RoboHead, a project management tool designed to take the load off your shoulders, have engineered intelligent automation for project management. So you can revolutionize your workflow, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. Automate to […]

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Elevating Education Marketing: MSOE’s Success Story with RoboHead

Introduction For those working in higher education marketing, managing a multitude of projects ranging from digital campaigns to print materials can be a daunting task. The Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) uses RoboHead to face these challenges head-on. This case study explores how Leigh Ann Hass, Director of Marketing Services, and her team at Milwaukee […]

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RoboHead Dashboards: A Snapshot View of Your Creative Operations

Having tools that provide a clear overview of your projects and tasks is crucial. Dashboards are game-changers. They not only offer a snapshot of where your work stands but also how much of it is active. This article dives into the heart of RoboHead’s dashboard, illustrating its capacity to transform your project management approach by […]

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Ditch Your Daily Standup: Rely on RoboHead to Keep Everyone in the Loop

The way we stay up to date with what’s happening in the world has changed. Not that long ago, tuning into the morning news on your local TV station was enough to keep you informed. Now, with a non-stop news cycle, and articles available online anywhere, those who only watch their morning news may be […]

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Unlocking Efficiency with RoboHead’s Project Templates

Creative projects are complex. They have many steps and often involve many different people working together. With RoboHead’s Project Templates, achieving the perfect balance between flexibility and standardization in your…

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RoboHead-Powered Teams Witnessed 10% Productivity Boost in 2023

This resilience was quantified in a notable 10% increase in productivity over 2022, as highlighted by the RoboHead 10000 index.

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10 Strategies to Elevate Your Creative Process in 2024

Navigating the creative process often feels like a winding path. But, with the right approach, balancing creative freedom and organized workflows can become less of a challenge and more of…

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Case Study: Simplified Reporting at Tyler Technologies with RoboHead and Microsoft PowerBI

Having the right tools to manage and analyze project data is crucial. Tyler Technologies, a prominent software company serving the public sector, transformed its creative reporting processes. Girija Rayasam and…

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Case Study: Leveraging RoboHead to Scale Healthcare Marketing – Lehigh Valley Health Network’s Story

LVHN’s Internal Marketing and Communications team fulfills requests across 13 hospitals and 20,000+ employees: a tall order. To successfully execute all of their tasks, the organization relies on a diverse…

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RoboHead Celebrates a Trio of Gartner Awards in Project Management

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November 14 may hold a key to your year-end goals

By Abbie Hatch, Marketing Manager for RoboHead As the year begins to wind to a close, businesses and professionals alike gear up for the final push—and a well-deserved break. The last two months are a mix of holidays, family gatherings, and end-of-the-year deadlines. Balancing the festive spirit with work commitments can be challenging. Yet, every […]

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Crafting Clarity: Strategies to Enhance Initial Project Briefs

For creative leaders, achieving precision and clarity from the start is not merely a wish; it's crucial. A well-crafted project brief forms the foundation for outstanding results. Yet, even with…

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See It Your Way: Leveraging Flexible Views in RoboHead

Every project is different. And each one needs its special way to be looked at and managed. RoboHead knows this. That’s why it offers different views like Calendar, List, Kanban Board, and Gantt Chart. But when should you use each view? Let’s make it simple. Calendar View: Keeping Track of Time When to Use: Use […]

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Digital vs Physical Color in Reviews

Written by Eric Frederiksen, RoboHead Support Specialist When you’re in art class as a kid, you learn about the color wheel–red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors. Orange, green, and purple are the secondary ones. That’s just how it is, right? The deeper you explore color, though, the more complex it becomes. If you’re […]

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Ready for Q4? Productivity Insights to Guide Your Team

By Abbie Hatch, Marketing Manager for RoboHead Q3  of 2023 was busy! People in creative and marketing jobs have been working hard, and the RoboHead 10000 has the data to prove it. The index keeps track of how 10,000 creative and marketing professionals are doing. And this year, they’re busier than they have been since […]

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Click with Confidence: Checking Hyperlinks with RoboHead

Have you ever worked hard on a project, launched it, and then realized there was a mistake? One common mistake is having broken links, which means when someone clicks on them, they don’t lead to the right place. This can be frustrating both for creators and customers. Teams who use RoboHead publish projects with confidence […]

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Beyond Time Tracking: How to plan your team’s workload without clocking time

Effectively forecasting and planning workloads is important for healthy marketing and creative operations. While time tracking is often the most accurate (and loved by RoboHead users) way to keep a pulse on how long it takes to execute work, it can be discouraging for individuals to be micromanaged in this way. There are some simple […]

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RoboHead Maintains Top Project Management Software Status

We are proud to announce that RoboHead, the project management solution designed specifically for creative and marketing teams, has been recognized as a Leader in the Project Management category by…

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Bare Minimum Mondays: The Trend Shaping Your Team’s Work Habits

By Abbie Hatch, Marketing Manager for Robohead ‘Bare Minimum Monday’ is not just a catchy phrase or internet trend. It represents a rising sentiment in the corporate world, especially for younger workers. Stemming from the surge of viral Tik-Tok videos where users share their most laid-back outfits, routines, or the minimal amount of work they’re […]

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The Art of Automation: How to Use Automation to Get More Done and Be More Creative

Automation can be a scary prospect for creative people, but it can also free up time for deep creative work. In fact, when we studied creative departments that embraced automation in their processes, we found that they were able to complete projects in half the time as those who did not. The key is to […]

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North American Rescue Gets a Helping Hand from RoboHead

Managing a high volume of work is no easy task, especially when you serve many stakeholders. Lonnie Johnson, MARCOM Director, and his team at North American Rescue know this firsthand. The company is a leading provider of emergency medical equipment, and has to stay on top of a wide range of projects including website updates, […]

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10 Creative Headaches that Can Be Cured with Automation

When you picture creativity, you might imagine wild ideas, cool original creations, and the incredible energy that comes from collaboration. These ideas can feel extremely contrary to the conversations about automation and AI, but they shouldn’t. When deployed well, automation has the power to energize your creative teams in new ways. Often the biggest road […]

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RoboHead Brings MRCPL Projects Together for Good

Mansfield / Richland Public Library is a beloved community hub where people of all ages connect, learn, engage and have fun. With many programs happening each month, Jessica Ney and the Communications team play a crucial role in keeping the community informed and engaged. This responsibility doesn’t come without its challenges. The team of 3 […]

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RoboHead’s New Product Update: Now Supporting Gifs and YouTube Links in Review!

Project management and team collaboration require tools that are both dynamic and responsive to the needs of the team. RoboHead has always been at the forefront of ensuring streamlined processes, and with the latest product update, we are taking it up another notch! Reimagined Review Interface: Powering Your Reviews Further RoboHead has reconstructed the user […]

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Pre-Pandemic Productivity Is Finally Back…Do you feel it?

Written by Abbie Hatch, Marketing Manager for RoboHead August 3, 2023 The last three years have been filled with more questions than answers. Leaders have been called to lead through uncertainty, with no roadmap of what is likely to happen next. Between companies going fully remote, distraction, burnout, economic concerns, and a shift in priorities […]

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5 KPI’s Marketing & Creative Teams Have Improved with RoboHead

Even the most seasoned marketing & creative leaders struggle to track productivity for their teams. While finding the right KPI’s for your team is a practice that’s always evolving–for your team, their projects and goals–RoboHead customers find it helpful to track a few different metrics with our custom reports. Plus, they’ve been able to track […]

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Tuesday is the Most Productive Day of the Week: How to Make the Most of It

Written by Abbie Hatch, Marketing Manager for RoboHead Great leaders are always looking for continual improvement. But, harnessing people and helping them achieve their fullest potential is complicated. If you apply a data-driven approach to your decision-making, you’ll love this new piece of data: Tuesdays are the most productive day of the week, according to […]

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AAA Washington’s Marketing Team Driving Efficiency with RoboHead

Summer road trips: There’s nothing like the feeling of the open road! While AAA Washington is responsible for fueling many incredible journeys with insurance and travel services, their own project journey was falling flat. By adopting RoboHead, they were able to streamline their processes and create more capacity to do high-level creative work. “We’re starting […]

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RoboHead Among the Top 20 Project Management Tools

We are proud to announce that RoboHead, the project management solution designed specifically for creative and marketing teams, has been recognized as a Leader in the Project Management category by…

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5 Workarounds That Are Slowing Down Your Creative Team

We all recognize the importance of efficiency in the workplace. With the right strategies, we can streamline our processes and maximize our output. But have you ever considered that some common workarounds might be inhibiting your creative team’s potential rather than supporting it? Here are five routines that you might be employing – and why […]

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How to Keep Your Team Engaged and Productive

As a marketing director or creative services manager, it’s your job to make sure your marketing team's workload stays full, but not too full.

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Creative & Marketing Productivity Soared in May, Despite Predictions

This shift underscores the critical importance of adaptability, innovation, and resilience within the industry. It also illuminates the potential for growth and success in the face of changing circumstances as…

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International Vitamin Corp Transforms Efficiency & Compliance Management with RoboHead

International Vitamin Corp (IVC), a leading global manufacturer of vitamins and nutritional supplements, was spending an outsized amount of time managing their artwork requests and FDA compliance. Disjointed, email, and even occasional paper-driven processes were slowing down their busy art department, making it a challenge to deliver work to their many stakeholders. When IVC found […]

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4 Processes to Streamline for Your Marketing and Creative Team in 2023

To help your team be as productive as possible, you need streamlined processes designed to maximize efficiency and avoid common pitfalls.

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Your Team Will Have Seasonal Ebbs and Flows in Productivity, Here’s How to Channel Them

Written by Abbie Hatch, Marketing Manager for RoboHead Data from RoboHead’s productivity index says your team’s productivity may have already peaked for the year. While this can be discouraging, it doesn’t have to be. Understanding and addressing seasonal fluctuations in productivity is crucial for creative directors. By analyzing the productivity index data for creative and […]

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NEW: Integrate your preflight checks directly into RoboHead Reviews!

RoboHead is pleased to announce a new feature powering our already robust review feature. You can now integrate your preflight.  With this new feature, you can easily check files before sending them to the printer, making it easier and more accurate to ensure that your projects are delivered as expected. Seamlessly Launch Your Packaging & […]

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RoboHead Named Leader in Project Management and Enterprise Project Management in G2’s Spring Awards

RoboHead, a leading provider of marketing project management software, has been named a leader in project management and enterprise project management in G2’s Spring 2023 Awards. This marks the second year in a row that RoboHead has won the enterprise project management award and the third year for the general project management award and the […]

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How to Manage Compliance for Your Organization with Multi-stage reviews

Creative projects can be challenging to manage, especially in regulated industries where there is often a need for compliance and regulatory approval. Multi-stage reviews can be an effective way to…

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Don’t Let Your Workflow Fall Flat: How to Improve Collaboration on Your 3D Design Projects

RoboHead is the only tool that makes it easy for creatives of all types—from copywriters and graphic designers to Metaverse practitioners—to share one project management space. 

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New! Annotate Your 3D Files in RoboHead

RoboHead's review tool is now more powerful than ever before with the ability to share, annotate, and approve 3D files!

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Two Ways to Collect Feedback on Creative Work

For many of us, effective Review management is a crucial part of our workflow and ensuring the right people are included at the right time during the review process is…

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From Beginner to Expert: 3 Ways Automations Can Save You Time on Project Management

Written by Willie Gregory, Application Support Specialist for RoboHead One of the key aspects of Project Management is time management. Automations are a powerful tool that can you save a lot of time. At RoboHead, our automation tool is called RoboScripts. These automations are beloved by our customers and are known to save thousands of […]

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RoboHead Celebrates Another Year of Positive Recognition!

From being named "Leaders" to a "Best Value" in work and project management, 2021 has been a year of positive affirmation and recognition from our users! 

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How to Save 6 Weeks of Work Next Year with Integrations

During the RoboHead User Conference in December of 2022, Kathy Lewandowski, Customer Success Manager, had a chance to interview Angie Miglozzi, Senior Traffic Manager for Jobs Ohio and Kelly Mignogna, Social Media Manager for Jobs Ohio about a recent success they had after adopting a new automation and integration in RoboHead.    Jobs Ohio, an […]

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3 Types of KPIs for Creative Directors

The end of the year usually means reflecting on the year gone by and setting goals for the year to come, often during an annual review with your supervisor. Creative directors struggle during this season to quantify their success or failure because so much of what they do is subjective or supports another department’s objectives. […]

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Gift Ideas for Project Managers 2022

Written by Eric Frederiksen, Customer Success Specialist for RoboHead If you have a project manager in your life, you know how busy they are. Whether they’re managing internal or external projects, they spend their days juggling a dozen different deliverables and working hard from the moment they sit down in the morning until the tail […]

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Why we actually use our own Work Management Tool

Written by Jim Tauer, Director of Customer Solutions at RoboHead On a regular basis, our customers reach out to us simply to express appreciation for our customer support, personalized training, and true partnership that the RoboHead team provides on a daily basis. You’d think, based on this unsolicited feedback, that we have a well-oiled machine […]

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Michelangelo and the Metaverse:  Painting, Sculpture and Virtual Reality

What Renaissance artists can teach us about virtual reality Written by Daniel Perez, RoboHead President In the 16th century, at the height of the Renaissance, artists would gather for theoretical discussions known as Pargone and debate the relative merits of different art forms, most often painting and sculpture. Today’s digital designers transitioning from 2D mediums […]

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As Economic Indicators Decline, Productivity Booms

Written by Abbie Thiebaut, Marketing Manager for RoboHead October 3, 2022 As reports confirm two consecutive quarters of negative growth, creative teams are getting back to work in full force. August 2022 showed the first month where productivity overtook last year’s numbers on the RoboHead 10000 and September held the trend. The indicator showed a […]

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RoboHead recognized as a Leading Enterprise Project Management Solution

RoboHead, a work and project management software solution is featured on G2’s Fall 2021 Grid Report as a Leader in Project Management Software.

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Benefits of Project Management for Creative Teams

Working on a busy creative team means constantly choosing which tasks to prioritize and then acting quickly to execute them. With shifting goals and priorities, it can be tough to tackle everything, or even to know what is most important.  Whatever the case may be, a successful creative department acts thoughtfully, and quickly, and identifies […]

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RoboHead Release: New Features to Our Review Tool and More!

To make your creative operations run smoothly, you count on your project management tool to do the heavy lifting! The latest improvements to RoboHead will make it easier than ever for you to maintain full control of your final outcomes without missing a beat! Meet Compliance Standards with Digital Signatures Many regulated industries require a […]

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How Creative Services Leaders can Build Relationships with Internal Clients

Your company spends a significant amount of time, budget, and energy building and maintaining relationships with your external clients, but do you put the same care into managing your relationships with internal clients? If your team handles projects and requests from other areas of your company, it’s important to keep these relationships a priority for […]

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Lifetime Brands Scales their Creative Work with RoboHead

15 years ago when John Bloom joined Lifetime Brands, he and his team were looking for a project management solution that would allow them to operate more efficiently. They chose to partner with RoboHead. Since then, the team has been able to scale the software tool along with their team’s workload. A few highlights that […]

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7 Ways to Help Your Team Meet Deadlines Every Time

Are deadlines a moving target in your company? Due dates more of a pipe dream? If your team struggles with delivering work on time, it’s easy to blame individuals on your team for mistakes. The reality is that there might be a system issue preventing your team from doing their best work. When your team […]

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RoboHead recognized as a Leader in Project Management by G2 for six consecutive quarters!

RoboHead, a work and project management software solution is featured on G2’s Fall 2021 Grid Report as a Leader in Project Management Software.

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How Maui Jim Maintains a Luxury Image with RoboHead

Maui Jim implemented RoboHead to save time and ensure compliance to brand standards throughout their global reach. The Tipping Point Maintaining an elevated brand image takes meticulous thought and planning. It means having a critical eye and a strong creative vision for everything—from social media posts to printed advertisements and product tags, in addition to […]

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How to Create Project Request Forms That Save You Time

Project requests take on many forms across creative and marketing teams. It is not uncommon for these to be informal—like an email from manager to manager, or someone stopping by your desk to discuss a new idea they have. This informal interaction is a wonderful place to start for new companies and young teams, but […]

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Supercharge Your Workflow with Our Latest Updates!

The best teams are constantly looking to improve their workflows, collaborate, and make each other better. Our latest product update focuses on staying ahead of the needs of our customers and ensuring that RoboHead has the best and easiest to use interface. Our latest updates are centered around making collaboration and planning easier and faster. […]

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RoboHead Prioritize Tasks

33% of Marketing Professionals Are Making This Project Management Mistake

In a recent LinkedIn Poll by Aquent, 33% of respondents said they still rely on a shared spreadsheet to manage their tasks at work. For many teams, this shared spreadsheet may seem leaps and bounds better than their previous system (or no system at all), and we get it—simple solutions are often the best for […]

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How to Give Creative Feedback that Moves Your Business Forward

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Aquent Partners with CARE on $100,000 Donation Effort for Ukraine Crisis Fund

“The Russia-Ukraine War continues to be front of mind for all of us at Aquent.” JOHN CHUANG, CEO – AQUENT Workforce solutions firm to fundraise for urgent humanitarian assistance needed for millions impacted by the war in Ukraine  Aquent, the workforce solutions company, launched a dedicated fundraising effort in partnership with CARE to donate $100,000 […]

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10 Ways Project Management is Frustrating Your Team (and how to fix it)

Don’t Go Another Day Frustrating Your Team Employee satisfaction is more important now than ever before and taking any step that you can to improve the relationship that you have with your employees is a positive one. Keeping your software and workflow practices well planned and friendly for your team will have a lasting impact […]

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RoboHead recognized as a Leader in Project Management by G2 for the fifth consecutive quarter

RoboHead, a work and project management software solution is featured on G2’s Fall 2021 Grid Report as a Leader in Project Management Software.

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What is the Return on Investment for a Project Management System?

Most professionals would love to find more time in the day —time to get to think strategically, time to mentor and build relationships within their team, and time to learn new skills. Yet these intangibles, which have significant business value, rarely make it to the top of the priority list because of an ever-shifting list […]

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Aquent Acquires Workgroups Davinci to Accelerate the Growth of its Project Management Platform, RoboHead

World’s largest marketing and creative staffing firm welcomes new project management team to innovate workflow solutions for creative client needs Boston, MA – February 23, 2022 – Aquent, the workforce solutions company, announced today the acquisition of Workgroups DaVinci, a workflow and project management solutions firm for marketing, creative, and production teams. Workgroups DaVinci will […]

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Product Update: Easier Communication — with your team and other enterprise apps!

Product Update: Our September update introduces a new "Schedule" tab, type ahead features, Project Requests by email, and more!

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Put Your New Year’s Resolution to Work at the RoboHead User Conference!

Did you resolve to be more organized in 2022? Or maybe you resolved to learn something new every day! Whatever your goals are for 2022, RoboHead wants to empower you…

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A Year of Positive Affirmation and Recognition. Thank You!

From being named "Leaders" to a "Best Value" in work and project management, 2021 has been a year of positive affirmation and recognition from our users! 

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Product Update: Manage your team with ease!

Product Update: Our September update introduces a new "Schedule" tab, type ahead features, Project Requests by email, and more!

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Simplifying Your RoboHead Project Request Forms

Simplify your RoboHead project request forms by following a few simple steps and improve both user engagement and input.

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5 Habits that Build your Reputation at Work

Discover 5 simple habits that build upon your reputation and help drive success in your career. (This might be especially helpful for those just starting their career.)

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RoboHead recognized as 2021 Category Leader by GetApp

RoboHead, a work management tool, has been recognized as a 2021 Category Leader in Advertising Agency Software by GetApp.

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Webinar: Streamline Projects to Maximize your Time

If you are creating deliverables for Projects that often follow a similar schedule then RoboHead’s Project Templates are a feature that you need to be using. Learn more about Project…

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The Top 4 Project Management Solution Review Websites

Discover the top project management review websites, so you can be as efficient and knowledgeable as possible while vetting a new Project Management Solution.

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Better project management can unlock your creative potential. Discover how!

Discover how one of our designers got her Project Management tool to work best for her and how she overcame her daily frustrations.

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RoboHead recognized as a Leader in Project Management by G2 for the fourth consecutive quarter

RoboHead, a work and project management software solution is featured on G2’s Fall 2021 Grid Report as a Leader in Project Management Software.

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RoboHead earns Capterra’s 2021 Best Value badge

RoboHead earns a the “Best Value” 2021 badge from Capterra, one of the top software review sites in the world.

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Remote Work: Bane of the corner office, boon of the workforce.

After the surreal year of 2020, things are starting to return to some sort of normal. And for many, that isn’t necessarily a good thing when it comes to working.

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Product Update: New Tab, Type Ahead, Email Requests, Grouping and More!

Product Update: Our September update introduces a new "Schedule" tab, type ahead features, Project Requests by email, and more!

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Fix your talent cycle or lose your talent.

The talent cycle is broken, and fixing it absolutely must be a top priority for leaders.

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Increase your visibility of everyday activities and cross-team initiatives in RoboHead

One of the most important things in managing your team is keeping on top of what they’re working on and when things are coming due.

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Product Update: Copy a Campaign, Improved communication with Contacts, New RoboScripts, and More

New & Improved: This update introduces new RoboScripts, easy campaign copies, improved communication with contacts, and more!

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Does your team despise time tracking? It’s time to introduce them to RoboHead.

Tracking time is essential in project management because it links directly back to a project’s timeline, your team’s productivity, and ultimately, the bottom line.

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Webinar: The RoboHead 2.14 Summer Release is Here!

Summer is finally here, but RoboHead won’t be taking any vacations. We are pleased to offer more new features that are designed to make you more productive than ever.

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RoboHead named a leader in Project Management Software by G2 for the Summer 2021 Grid® Report

RoboHead has been recognized as a Leader in Project Management Software in G2's Grid® Report for Project Management, Summer 2021.

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Learn, Teach, Build. 3 ways to Engage your Organization in Design

Discover insightful tips from senior leaders who are working every day to ensure design gets (and keeps) its place as a strategic lever that drives results.

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Webinar: Back to Basics

This webinar is intended to give everyone a refresher on some of the basic components of RoboHead, while also getting a chance to see how RoboHead is typically used by…

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Product Update: Creative Portfolios, File Organization, Project Thumbnails, and More

New & Improved: This update introduces a completely NEW feature of RoboHead, our online creative Portfolios, and popular features requested by our customers.

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What Every Creative Team Needs to be Successful

While there are many operations roles out there, let’s hone in on the fabulous role of the Creative Operations Leader on an in-house design team.

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RoboScripts: Automate Your Way To Success

RoboScripts are one of the latest additions to the RoboHead application. And yet, they’ve already performed over 300,000 previously manual actions.

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Webinar: Showcase Your Team’s Work Online with Portfolios

After a campaign is completed or before a big client meeting, RoboHead has made it easy to collect all the great work you’ve been doing and organize it in a…

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Avoid “Garbage In – Garbage Out” reporting issues

There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to Project management and they have a direct impact on the accuracy and reliability of the reports you use on…

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Don’t Delete Users. Archive Them!

Have you ever looked at your RoboHead User list and wondered “why is this user still in our system” or thought “who is this user”?

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Stop calling it Return to Work

Instead of generating a list of things to do, these leaders questioned the entire premise and walked away with thought-provoking ideas that I cannot wait to share!

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The 10 Features to look for in a Project Management Tool

Organizing a team’s workload needs a dedicated project management tool that enables the right amount of communication and collaboration.

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Webinar: Save time by aligning your forms and fields with your business goals

We are pleased to announce RoboHead version 2.12 which includes rescheduling for team time off, new project scheduling, Kudos, and more.

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If your team isn’t learning, they’re falling behind. Fix it.

Discover how to engage employees in crafting learning plans that match business needs, tap into their passions, and ultimately improve job satisfaction and retention.

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Happy Customers, Glowing Reviews: RoboHead Named Leader in Project Management

G2's Spring 2021 Reports are out, and we are proud to announce that RoboHead has been recognized in three different Project Management categories.

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Product Update: Team Time Off, Project Schedules, and More

RoboHead ensures that work will not stop when your users take time off and helps your team feel the love by presenting them the kudos they've been awarded.

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NEW! Try’s Creative Review feature

RoboHead’s free trial is specifically for the Review module. Allowing your team to speed-up the creative review process with collaborative online reviews & approvals.

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8 Similarities between Senior Management and Project Managers

Just like senior managers, it's important to recognize the value good project managers bring to an organization.

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Webinar: Essential Metrics for your Creative team to report on.

Is your team struggling to see a connection between the work they do and the overarching goals of your organization? If so, then this webinar is a must-attend!

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RoboHead recognized as a Top Resource Management software by Software Advice

Software Advice’s FrontRunners report analyzes hundreds of products to help businesses find products that offer the best value and are widely trusted.

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How to optimize your project initiation process

Here’s how to optimize your project initiation process so creative and marketing projects go smoothly from beginning to end.

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Webinar: Team Time Off, Project Schedules, Kudos, and More

We are pleased to announce RoboHead version 2.12 which includes rescheduling for team time off, new project scheduling, Kudos, and more.

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Leader in Project Management Software 2021

RoboHead recognized as a leader in Project Management

G2's Winter 2021 Reports are out, and we are proud to announce that RoboHead has been recognized in three different Project Management categories.

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How to optimize your project initiation process

How to improve your creative project delivery process

Here’s how to optimize your project initiation process so creative and marketing projects go smoothly from beginning to end.

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5 warning signs it’s time to look for a project management tool

Trying to determine if it's time for your company to acquire a project management tool? Let this blog be your guide.

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Product Update: Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Adobe Acrobat Interactions and More

New and Improved: RoboHead Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Adobe Acrobat Interactions and more.

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Benefits of Project Management for Marketing Teams

Learn how utilizing project management tools and best practices can increase efficiency and productivity for your marketing team.

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How to effectively manage a team and prioritize their workloads

Looking to effectively manage your team and its projects in a remote work environment? Follow the tips in this blog.

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NEW! RoboHead plugin for Adobe XD

The RoboHead plugin for Adobe XD allows users to save time by managing their creative files and project timelines without ever leaving the application.

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How to prioritize your marketing team’s projects

Here are some strategies to help your marketing or creative services team prioritize projects more effectively and produce better ROI.

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Webinar: RoboHead Review Management

join us in December for a webinar highlighting everything you need to know in order to get the most out of the Reviews feature in RoboHead.

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Product Update: RoboHead Plugin for Adobe XD and Most Requested Enhancements

New and Improved: RoboHead Plugin for Adobe XD and Most Requested Enhancements.

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What could optimized project management mean for your team’s bottom line?

By improving your marketing team's efficiency, productivity and culture, here are just a few of the ways that optimized project management could impact your bottom line.

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The importance of choosing a project management tool that understands your niche

Learn why choosing a project management tool that understands your niche helps speed implementation, improves alignment and empowers your team to do better work.

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Resource planning: Why you should rethink your efforts

When done correctly, resource planning is about optimizing the way you leverage human capital to drive results for your marketing department or creative services team.

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creative feedback

How to give the right creative feedback

Looking for tips on delivering effective feedback to creative teams? This blog has tips your project managers can apply today.

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The top creative project KPIs you need to track

Here are the top creative project KPIs that marketing and creative services teams need to track to be successful.

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Webinar: Using RoboHead to manage brand assets.

Learn how to use RoboHead to share, manage, and collaborate with creative and assets with your entire team, in one spot.

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Can optimized project management lead to increased employee satisfaction?

From managing workloads to improving collaboration, here’s how optimized project management can increase employee job satisfaction.

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Product Update: Enhanced Annotation, RoboScripts, and More!

This update brings many enhancements to the Review Annotation window, introduces RoboScripts - automation features requested by our customers, and adds a new status for Tasks and Reviews.

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Managing Expenses within RoboHead

Webinar: Managing Project Budgets and Expenses

Learn from the experts at RoboHead how our companies are using the finance tab to track their project’s budgets and actual expenses. Whether you are an admin or project manager…

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Is marketing productivity taking a three day weekend?

RoboHead 10000 allows us to create a more complete picture of how productivity is impacted on everyone's favorite workday.

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3 kinds of reports every marketing manager needs to monitor

To get the most from your company data, here are the top three reports every marketing manager needs to focus on for company success.

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The key to making better decisions as a marketing leader

As the manager of a marketing or creative services department, you have to make a lot of decisions. From hiring to assigning individual projects, you need to consider both the big picture and the granular details to ensure success for your team. But making decisions is always easier said than done. To be confident in […]

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Webinar: Learn all about our NEW annotation tools, RoboScripts, and more.

RoboHead is quickly responding to our customer's needs by making significant enhancements to our Review and Approval functionality.

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How to accelerate the content review and approval process in 4 simple steps

To help you move marketing and creative projects through the pipeline more efficiently, here are some tips on how to speed up the content review and approval process.

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As Q2 2020 ends, marketing starts to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Boston, MA — August 11, 2020 — Marketing project activity reached its highest point, post-COVID, on August 3, 2020, according to the RoboHead 10000 marketing index. The last week of July 2020 also showed a 10% increase in activity since the week ending April 11 (excluding holidays), according to the index. However, for the same […]

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How to sell time tracking to your marketing team

Here are three tips on why time tracking is important and how to sell it to your marketing or creative team.

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Marketing activity stabilizes, hoping for a recovery.

Boston, MA ― July 20, 2020 Marketing activity has stabilized during the months of June and July 2020 after a near free fall from the week ending March 7 to the week ending April 11. During this time, marketing activity declined by 30%.  Although marketing activity from April 11 to July 11 (excluding holidays) is […]

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Meet less, deliver more: How to drive efficiency for marketing and creative teams

Learn how adding project management software can help you avoid meetings and increase productivity for your creative or marketing team.

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Webinar: Tips for successful onboarding and managing your team in RoboHead

Properly onboarding and managing your team will bring increased Project productivity, more accurate reporting, and a happier team overall.

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RoboHead 10000

Three months ago, we all came into work thinking we had a pretty good grip on what we'd be working on for the next several months.

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Webinar: Create Project Templates and Improve Efficiencies

Whether you manage the entire admin account or act as the project manager, this webinar will help you learn new tips and tricks within RoboHead’s Project Templates. Join us June…

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How to find the right project management tool for your team

How to find the right project management tool for your team

To help your team be as productive as possible, you need streamlined processes designed to maximize efficiency and avoid common pitfalls.

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Troubleshooting your marketing team’s workload and capacity issues

As a marketing director or creative services manager, it’s your job to make sure your marketing team's workload stays full, but not too full.

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Product Update: Sequential Reviews, @Mentions, and more

Multi-stage sequential reviews keep reviews from bogging down your project schedule by configuring and automating multi-stage review approvals.

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How to streamline processes for your marketing and creative team

To help your team be as productive as possible, you need streamlined processes designed to maximize efficiency and avoid common pitfalls.

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Three major categories of software that are absolutely fundamental to remote work

How can the three major software categories that are fundamental to remote work be utilized best? RoboHead's President, Dan Perez, shares his input on how to best put them to…

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Product Update: Manage Your Work on the Go

We are excited to announce that RoboHead is extending its mobile capabilities and will bring greater flexibility to RoboHead users’ day-to-day work.

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The secret to creating alignment for your organization

How do you get a large, diverse group of people, all with their own interests and responsibilities, to buy in to the same goals and strategies? Achieving alignment is a struggle for any organization, and there are lots of approaches on how to do it. Many of these focus on big-picture ideas and getting people […]

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How to identify project management problems before they become huge

Learn how to increase visibility into your project management processes so you can prevent small issues from becoming huge problems.

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5 unexpected benefits of project management software

Adding a project management tool to your technology stack is a great way to improve efficiency and productivity for your marketing or creative services team. That’s what the software is designed to do, after all. But there are other, less obvious advantages as well. Here are five benefits of project management software that you may […]

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Product Update: Track and Manage Reviews in Real-Time

RoboHead is extending its mobile capabilities and will bring greater flexibility to RoboHead users’ day-to-day work in real-time.

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How to sell the benefits of a project management tool to your boss

Tips to gain leadership buy-in so you can get the project management software your in-house creative team desperately needs.

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You tried all the free productivity tools and they didn’t work. Now what?

In-house marketing and creative teams are under a lot of pressure to deliver great work quickly and efficiently. You may have tried any number of free productivity and collaboration tools,…

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