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RoboHead Enhancements

Product Update: Copy a Campaign, Improved communication with Contacts, New RoboScripts, and More

RoboHead 2.14 Release – July 2021

RoboHead is pleased to announce our NEW 2.14 release that will provide a variety of new ways for our users to accomplish more by doing less. RoboHead strives to be your go-to timesaver with our significant new features requested by our valued customers. Users now have the ability to automatically distribute final files with RoboScripts, set up an entire campaign of projects in a single action, and provide more flexible communication with contacts.

Learn more about RoboHead’s 2.14 Release

• Copy a Campaign
• Improved communication with Contacts
• New RoboScripts to automatically distribute final deliverables
• And more…

Copy a Campaign

It’s now easier than ever to recreate annual, quarterly, or otherwise recurring work, as RoboHead now allows you to copy not only Campaigns, but all the Projects within each Campaign. At the Project level, this functions identically to Copy as New Project or Copy Project from Template when choosing what objects within the Project to include or how you wish to shift the dates. The copy function will continue to exclude Notes and Review files; Task and Review statuses will reset to Not Started, and Archived Projects will be set to Active. You’ll additionally have the option of copying Task Assignees, Review Owners, and Reviewers exactly as they were or choose to blank them out completely and then later reassign as needed.

When copying a Campaign, all Projects the user can access will copy, both Active and Archived. Any account admin or Project manager with “Manage All” can copy any Campaign and all Projects within; a Project Manager without Manage All permissions will copy only the Projects they have access to.

To copy a Campaign, click the blue “Actions” heading or the drop-down blue arrow and select Copy As New Campaign.

Here, you can choose separately which Campaign and Project elements and assignees you wish to copy over by checking and unchecking them as needed, and shift the Campaign schedule, too.

Copying the Campaign may take several minutes. During this time, you’ll see a message notifying you that copying is in progress:

If the Campaign (or any Projects within) contain files larger than 15MB, this message will also appear in the Files tab of the copied Project/Campaign.

Improved communication with Contact users

Our newest RoboHead release also brings two of your most highly-requested features: the ability to communicate with Contact users through Public notes and to give additional Contact users access to approved Requests.

Contacts and Public Notes

Contacts will now be able to create Public Notes on any Request they can view, without having to address it to a particular user (though they can of course still @mention users). Additionally, Contacts will be able to see any Public Notes they’re explicitly @mentioned in. Private notes are still available to use for direct, private communication, and notes without a @mention to that Contact will not be visible to that user but will be visible to all other users on the Project.

Adding Additional Contacts to Requests

Contact users can now be added to the Project team of a Project for which they did not create the initial Request. The Contact will be able to view the associated Request for this Project and send/view notes as described above.  In order for Contacts to be added in this way, they must have the ‘Create Requests’ Extended Permission turned on in their user settings.

Enabling Create Requests Extended Permissions

If you wish to apply this permission to all contacts, you can take the following steps:

• On the Users tab on the left, filter by User Role-> Includes-> Contact
• Check the “select all” checkbox in the upper left corner of the Users tab
• Click on the multi-select Actions menu that appears when you select multiple users.
• Click Change Permissions.

Select any permissions you wish for those users to have applied. Keep in mind that the selections you make here will apply to all selected users; any options left unselected will be turned off for all selected users.

How to add additional Contact Users to a Request

To add a Contact to a Request, you can go to one of two places. To add them from the approved Project, head to the Team tab in that Project, and click Add User. To add them to the Request directly, visit that Request through your Requests tab and then click on the Actions menu for that Request; click Add Team Members and select the appropriate users. These users will always be set to “View” permissions. 

RoboScripts For Files and Deliverables

As we continue to expand RoboScripts, we’ve added options for sending files both within and outside the application – including FTP and email options. These options will appear under the “Then” section of the RoboScript creation screen. For example, “When Project Status is changed, if Project Status includes Complete, then Email Final Deliverables…”

The following actions are available for sending files automatically (to users internally or outside of your organization):

Email Final Deliverables: Email any files marked with the Final Deliverable tag on that Project. You can send this to any email addresses you like, and to the original Requestor or all Reviewers. Additionally, you can send the file as a link and/or as an attachment.

Note: only files 20MB or less will become attachments, while larger files will automatically become links for download. This will also depend upon the maximum attachment size allowed by your email provider. If you are not receiving attachments through RoboHead, please contact your email provider to verify your maximum attachment size limit. 

FTP Final Deliverables: Upload files to an existing FTP server of your choice. The FTP server must be provided by you/the client. See below for configuring an FTP server for use with this feature.

Copy Final Deliverables: Copy any files marked with the Final Deliverable tag to either a Campaign’s Files tab or the Account Library, and select whether to add them as a separate file, or as a new version to an existing file (if there is a matching filename).

Copy Review Files: Copy any approved files included in Reviews to the Project Library, and select whether to add them as a separate file, or as a new version to an existing file (if there is a matching filename). Optionally, you can also tag these as “Final Deliverables” for use with Portfolios and Project Thumbnails.

Copy Project Files: Copy any files shown in the Project Files tab to either a Campaign’s Files tab or the Account Library, and select whether to add them as a separate file or as a new version to an existing file (if there is a matching filename). Note: Files attached to Notes are not included in this function.

Project Files and Webhooks: Include project files when invoking a Webhook with a RoboScript.

Configuring an FTP server for use with RoboScripts

To configure an FTP site, an Account Admin can navigate to Account > Actions > Configure FTP Sites.

You’ll need the following information to allow RoboHead to connect to your FTP server.

• An FTP URL without the “ftp://” (Example: ✅   ❌
• The FTP username
• The FTP password
• Whether the server is FTP or Secure FTP

You may also need, depending on the configuration of your FTP server:

• The FTP or SFTP port number
• An SFTP Private Key

Clicking Add will automatically verify the FTP information. You can disable or enable any configured FTP sites as necessary through this screen as well using the toggle on the right-hand side, or test by clicking the Test button.

And more!

New ways to manage Review Files

The latest release of RoboHead offers two new ways to manage files in Reviews.

Download All Files: If the Review Owner(s) have decided to allow downloading of Review files, this option will download all files in the Review in a ZIP archive.

Copy Files To: This will allow any user with Manage access to the Project to copy all files to the Project, Campaign, or account-level Library.

New Task Reassignment Options

RoboHead now features a couple of new ways to reassign existing Tasks.

User Tasks View: Replace Assignees Option

To access this option, visit the User tab and click on a user’s profile page. Visit the Tasks tab, and then select two or more Tasks. In the multi-select Actions menu, select “Reassign Tasks.” Note: This option is separate from the “Reassign All Tasks” option in the overall User Actions menu in the upper-right corner.

Selecting this option will bring up a prompt allowing you to either replace all assignees on selected Tasks or to just replace the user whose Tasks screen you’re viewing.

 Project Tasks View: Add/Remove Users

When reassigning multiple Tasks from the Tasks view of a Project, you can now select which users to remove as well as which users to add. To access this screen, select two or more Tasks in the Task List View of a Project, and then select Reassign Tasks from the multi-select Actions menu. Add any users you wish to see assigned to these Tasks. If you wish to remove existing assignees, leave the box next to those users checked. To have them stay assigned, uncheck the box before clicking Reassign.

Search for Any or All Tags in Advanced Search

When searching by tag using the Advanced Search function, it is now possible to search by multiple tags by Any or All Tags. Select the All radio button to receive only results that include all selected tags; select the Any button to receive results that include any of the selected tags.

Review Version Email Template

A new Review Version Email Template is available for customization in the application. This template will be triggered when a new Review Version is added and will list the names of files with new versions and newly-added files. This notification will only go to Reviewers who have already received the Review Notification email. If a new Reviewer is added at the same time, they’ll receive the standard Review Notification email. This template can be customized by Account Admin through Account-> Manage Email Templates under the name “Review New Version Notification.”  

RoboHead Is Here for You

As always, we are listening to our valued customers to learn how RoboHead can help solve common project challenges. If you are experiencing any issues or need assistance with our new features our team is standing and ready to help. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out.

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