Leadership Tips, Productivity

Meet less, deliver more: How to drive efficiency for marketing and creative teams

Meetings. Just the word itself elicits groans and frustration from people everywhere, and for good reason. Workers now spend more time in meetings than ever before, with middle managers spending an estimated 35% of their work week sitting in meetings. And now that the majority of us are spending most of our time working from home and attending Zoom calls, the impact on productivity can be significant, especially for marketing and creative teams. In the digital age, the most efficient meeting is the one you don’t need to have. 

So, how do we all meet less and complete more projects? More often than not, meetings usually are all about deciding on what our creative direction is, who’s doing what, and at what pace. And if it’s not the start of a new campaign the meeting is based around status. “What is the status of our campaign and how can other team members assist those who are overwhelmed”. Here’s how the right online project management software can help you and your team be more efficient, allowing you to meet less, stay in the know and deliver more.

1. Initiate projects effectively

Scoping unusually large projects may require a few stakeholders sitting around the table and hashing things out. But if you need to have a meeting just to initiate basic, routine projects, you’re not being nearly as efficient as you could be. With project management software like RoboHead, you can create custom project request forms to ensure you always capture all the information required to begin a project This eliminates the need for pesky status follow-up meetings or endless email chains trying to work out the details. Using a platform to initiate projects can also prevent repeat work, as team members won’t feel the need to reinvent processes every time they start something new. A templated project management tool eliminates inefficiency from the start.

2. Efficient project management

Once a project has been initiated and the actual work has started, you want to avoid anything that might impede progress, including meetings. To that end, a comprehensive project management solution like RoboHead comes with a wide range of features designed to streamline your process. Unique client communication and collaboration tools eliminate the need to meet with stakeholders for project updates while also making the editing and revision process of creative assets as streamlined and automated as possible. This software also helps eliminate inefficient email chains by using notes and comments within the tool that allow you to tag the appropriate user for feedback. With the right project management tool, you can increase efficiency throughout the entire project life cycle.

3. Efficient resource allocation

When assigning new work, oftentimes creative teams will meet and raise their hands or try to figure out capacity by “taking temperatures.” A project management tool eliminates the need for a “temperature gauge” meeting and any ambiguity about workload or capacity, by offering a comprehensive view of your entire team. This provides managers with the ability to assign the right work to the right people.

Once projects are underway, managers won’t need to meet with team members to request updates on projects. Instead, you should be able to instantly check project status using RoboHead’s intuitive dashboards that enhance visibility into all areas of your operation. You’re able to adjust workflows and delegate tasks to keep all of your ongoing projects on track and ensure your team is working as efficiently as possible.

The simple fact is, the more time you spend in meetings talking about projects, the less time is spent actually getting those projects done. To improve efficiency and increase productivity for your team, consider adding a comprehensive project management software, like RoboHead, to your technology stack.

Want to see how RoboHead could drive efficiency for your marketing or creative services team?

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