Expert Advice, RoboHead 10000

How to Save 1 Day on All Your Project Timelines

For teams executing creative work, time is not just a resource—it’s currency. The quicker we move from conception to completion, the better our output aligns with market demands and client expectations. However, a significant chunk of project time—often overlooked—is spent on the review stage. What if you could reclaim an entire day (or more) in this process?

A Slow Road to Approval

Data from RoboHead’s latest Benchmark report reveals that reviews typically consume 40% of the project timeline. With projects going through an average of three versions before final approval, the opportunity to streamline is immense.

Key Insights for Time Savings

The review process often involves multiple stakeholders, with the average project seeing input from four reviewers. This level of collaboration, while valuable, can lead to significant delays if not managed efficiently. Here’s how strategic adjustments can help you save time:

Structure the Conversation

Certain stakeholders require different types of sign-off. Bringing in reviewers according to when their sign-off is most valuable in the process can help reduce the number of revisions required to get the final approval you need.

Empower Decisive Leadership

Projects with fewer reviewers tend to wrap up more quickly. This isn’t about minimizing input but rather about empowering key decision-makers and holding them accountable. By appointing a lead reviewer with the authority to make final decisions, you can avoid the common pitfalls of conflicting feedback and redundant revisions.

Leverage Technology

With a 25% reduction in review times noted among RoboHead users since 2021, the impact of using the right tools is clear. Project management software that facilitates better communication and feedback tracking can cut down on the hours spent in review meetings and email exchanges. 

Applying the Insights

Consider a typical scenario: a project initially slated for a 10-day completion stretches to 14 days due to extended review phases. Just by streamlining feedback and empowering decision-makers, you could effectively eliminate a day (or more) from the review phase, thus adhering more closely to your original timeline.


Time saved is not just beneficial for meeting deadlines—it enhances creative vigor, aligns teams with strategic goals, and ultimately, contributes to the bottom line. By rethinking how reviews are conducted, your team can reclaim precious hours, fostering a more dynamic and responsive creative process.

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