How a Healthcare Diagnostics Company Saved $5 Million Managing Projects with RoboHead

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I would recommend RoboHead because it has made my life way easier. “ – Creative Leader

This multi-billion-dollar healthcare diagnostics company leverages RoboHead to optimize their creative and digital marketing services, driving substantial cost savings and efficiency. The digital and creative services team relies on RoboHead to manage graphic design, website, and email generation projects efficiently, resulting in significant savings and improved project tracking.


The Digital and Creative Services team manages 50-80 active projects weekly. The team utilizes RoboHead to develop and execute customer-focused marketing materials and campaigns, achieving deep budget savings while maintaining high standards of quality.

Maximizing Efficiency with RoboHead Upon adopting RoboHead, the team transitioned from a traditional, manual workflow to a streamlined, digital approach. They implemented seven workflows with RoboHead, significantly improving project tracking and team coordination.

Enhanced Project Visibility RoboHead’s tagging and filtering features allow team leadership to quickly identify project statuses and distribute tasks effectively. The system’s visual tools enable them to share progress and upcoming tasks effortlessly with her team and stakeholders. 

The ability to track and showcase the value of her team’s work is crucial for her continued success. In the words of one leader, “If I wasn’t empowered to have some kind of tracking tool, there’s no way I could be in this role for five years.”

Automation with Roboscripts The team employs Roboscripts to automate project closure and archiving, further streamlining their workflow. RoboHead’s automation helps prevent mismanagement and ensures timely project completion.

Showcasing Cost Savings In a comprehensive report with data from RoboHead, the team demonstrated that their efficiency while using RoboHead helped save the company $5 million in agency costs. RoboHead not only accelerated project completion but also provided a robust tracking system, offering visual references for stakeholders and team meetings.

Conclusion RoboHead has revolutionized the marketing and creative services at this healthcare diagnostics company. The team has achieved remarkable efficiency and cost savings, underscoring RoboHead’s value as a critical tool in their marketing strategy.