Don’t Let Your Workflow Fall Flat: How to Improve Collaboration on Your 3D Design Projects
RoboHead is the only tool that makes it easy for creatives of all types—from copywriters and graphic designers to Metaverse practitioners—to share one project management space.New! Annotate Your 3D Files in RoboHead
RoboHead's review tool is now more powerful than ever before with the ability to share, annotate, and approve 3D files!Michelangelo and the Metaverse: Painting, Sculpture and Virtual Reality
What Renaissance artists can teach us about virtual reality Written by Daniel Perez, RoboHead President In the 16th century, at the height of the Renaissance, artists would gather for theoretical discussions known as Pargone and debate the relative merits of different art forms, most often painting and sculpture. Today’s digital designers transitioning from 2D mediums […]