Elevating Education Marketing: MSOE’s Success Story with RoboHead
For those working in higher education marketing, managing a multitude of projects ranging from digital campaigns to print materials can be a daunting task. The Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) uses RoboHead to face these challenges head-on. This case study explores how Leigh Ann Hass, Director of Marketing Services, and her team at Milwaukee School […]
How Jobs Ohio Saves 6 Weeks of Work Next Year with RoboHead Integrations
During the RoboHead User Conference in December of 2022, Kathy Lewandowski, Customer Success Manager, had a chance to interview Angie Miglozzi, Senior Traffic Manager for Jobs Ohio and Kelly Mignogna, Social Media Manager for Jobs Ohio about a recent success they had after adopting a new automation and integration in RoboHead. Jobs Ohio, an economic […]
RoboHead Brings MRCPL Projects Together for Good
Results Preview: Broke down communication barriers across branch locations Enabled them to handle 70+ requests/mo Scaled up production without adding headcount “RoboHead provides that trail, removing potential miscommunications or overlooked requests,” Jessica Ney RoboHead Brings MRCPL Projects Together for Good Mansfield / Richland Public Library is a beloved community hub where people of all ages […]