RoboHead Enhancements

Product Update: RoboHead Plugin for Adobe XD and Most Requested Enhancements

RoboHead 2.10 Release – November 2020

We are pleased to announce RoboHead version 2.10. In addition to standard performance and maintenance updates, this release includes:

RoboHead plugin for Adobe XD
• Log in to your RoboHead account
• Export a file from XD to an active RoboHead Project or Campaign
• Update Task Statuses and check-off completed To-Do’s on your All Open
Worklist from within XD

Miscellaneous but Most Requested Enhancements
•  @Mentions on Notes in both Desktop and Mobile
• Ability to zoom in the file preview window
• Task Actions added to the Task Details popup window
• Extended User Permission option for ‘View All Active Requests’
• New option for Request Approvers to allow for change Requestor on
Submitted Request

Preview: RoboHead plugin for Adobe XD

RoboHead is the solution for seamless integration with Adobe XD. Designers can update items in RoboHead—without toggling to log into a web browser separately—letting workflow continue with more time to spend on creativity and design and less time performing administrative busywork.

RoboHead plugin for Adobe XD

Items included in this preview release:

• Login to your RoboHead account (with or without SSO enabled)
• Export a file from Adobe XD to an active Project or Campaign within your
RoboHead account
• Export file format options: PDF, SVG, PNG, or JPG
• Add a new version to an already exported file
• Access your My Work: All Open Work list from within Adobe XD
• Update Task statuses
• Check-off To-Do’s when complete

Most Requested Enhancements

As always, we are listening to our valued customers to find out what they need RoboHead to solve. Here are the most requested features you can now look forward to after this release:

@Mentions on Notes: the same functionality you love on Review annotation comments has been expanded to Notes throughout RoboHead.

Ability to zoom in the file preview window: When you’re working on a project with lots of revisions, all the uploaded images can look the same at the thumbnail level. You can now zoom in on the file preview screen to get a closer look:

Extended User Permission option for ‘View All Active Requests’: Allow any of your users access to the All Active Requests toggle in your account, even if they’re not a Request Approver. The user will be able to see requests and create notes on them, but will not be able to approve or modify them.

NOTE: contact RoboHead Support to turn on this option in your account.

Ability to change the Requestor on Submitted Requests: Request Approvers (Account Admin or any user with Approve Request extended permissions enabled) can change the Requestor on a request before it is approved. This can be done as a single request action and a multi-select action in the Approval Queue toggle list. To change the requestor, click on the dropdown actions menu next to the request name (or multi-select actions menu) and select Change Requestor.

Task Actions added to the Task Details popup window – The same task actions available from the task dropdown in the scheduling and list views is now available right on the task details screen.

RoboHead Is Here for You

If you’re experiencing any issues or need assistance with our new features our team is standing by to help your business in any way we can.

Please feel free to reach out.

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