Customer Success Stories, PM Tool Search, Project Management

International Vitamin Corp Transforms Efficiency & Compliance Management with RoboHead

International Vitamin Corp (IVC), a leading global manufacturer of vitamins and nutritional supplements, was spending an outsized amount of time managing their artwork requests and FDA compliance. Disjointed, email, and even occasional paper-driven processes were slowing down their busy art department, making it a challenge to deliver work to their many stakeholders. When IVC found RoboHead, a project management software designed for marketing and creative teams, they were able to streamline their intake process and strengthen their compliance process.

Disjointed Systems

Annette Wischmann from IVC described the challenges they were facing. Emails and folders consumed valuable time, with employees spending 20-30% of their day searching for customer responses and project assets. Because they didn’t have a centralized system, they were forced to move slowly to ensure they maintained proper records in case they would be needed for an audit later on. 

“We have to keep a paper trail to keep records of comments and annotations. If you lost that folder, you lost the whole history,” Annette said of their former manual process.

Streamlined Management, Stronger Deliverables

After years of searching for a tool powerful enough for their needs, RoboHead emerged as the best tool to streamline IVC’s workflows and improve visibility. This powerful software offered a centralized platform for the review process, granting team members real-time access to project status and priorities. RoboHead’s digital signature feature was a game-changer, allowing IVC to keep their full audit history of edits and approvals in one place. 

Since adopting RoboHead, IVC experienced a significant shift in efficiency and compliance management. The introduction of this centralized platform eliminated manual data entry, and the digital signature feature strengthened their compliance management.

Annette spoke highly of the improvements brought about by RoboHead: “The overall project management, customized dashboards, and in-depth views into priorities and stage status [that RoboHead offers] have been an amazing asset for both the creative team’s efficiency and the review process [we share] with compliance and account marketing counterparts. It’s an unbelievable system.”

Better Outcomes for Projects

International Vitamin Corp’s successful implementation of RoboHead demonstrates the impact of a centralized project management solution. RoboHead proved invaluable, improving efficiency, streamlining workflows, and bolstering compliance management for graphics and artwork.

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